Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time flies...

unless you have around-the-clock morning sickness! It ain't easy being green! It's so bad that my 2 year old can recognize my green hue, and he runs to get a puke bucket! I don't remember if it was truly this bad in the past. I think if we accurately recalled how bad it is, we would do everything in our power to avoid such suffering again! I know that this, too, shall pass...only to be replaced by other obnoxious symptoms of pregnancy! However, it is worth it, as I look at the boys' sweet smiles and hear their very convincing assumptions that this is a "sister". I try to remind them that we have no control over that, but they stand firm in their beliefs...even informing strangers at Kohl's as they pick out "bootiful" dresses and sparkly shoes for their sister!

We had our first appointment with the OB's nurse on December 14th. (I guess we're such frequent flyers, they saw no need for us to see the dr. just yet!) A quick sono and huge sigh of relief later, we knew there is ONE baby with a good heartbeat. We decided to tell Keaton when we picked him up from his Aunt Christi's house that day. He had no clue what the sono picture was, so I told him it was a baby. "A baby in your tummy?!?!?" Yes, Keaton. "I think I'll have a sister." It sounded as if we were pulling up to the drive through to order a happy meal! (And, Keaton, if it were that would've been a girl!) Then, we showed the picture to Landon who was saying "I wan see, I wan see!" His's a "frog"! Jackson saw the picture when we picked him up from school. Without prompting, he said, "Yep. It's a girl." How does he know? "It doesn't have a weenie!" (It doesn't have clear arms or legs either at this point, but that apparently didn't matter!)

I think it's sweet that they want a sister so badly, but I'm trying to remain neutral...healthy baby, much as possible. (Besides, if we have another boy, I already have a name for my book!) We will go to the high-risk dr. February 9, Keaton's birthday, since I'm considered "advanced maternal age"...a.k.a. geriatric pregnant lady. We can probably find out gender then. :) Lord, we pray there is not a repeat of Landon's visit there..."it's a girl, no it's a boy...and he has a little heart defect." Talk about sending a hormonal momma over the edge!

As we move toward our 10th week of this pregnancy, I am certain time will go by even faster...even though there are times the nausea makes it seem as if it's standing still. The holidays, however, have a way of moving at us with warp speed and provide much needed distraction. (And, hey, I'm not likely to eat too many sweets this year!) I look at the boys and remember being pregnant with was over so fast and even faster with each subsequent pregnancy since there is so much to do with the other children. I pray I enjoy this pregnancy, without complications and bedrest, and ask you to do the same. Thanks!!!

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